0274 682422

Reference Documents

Pre start form (Summerset and others)

Toolbox Safety minutes

Vehicle maintenance log

Vehicle Maintenance spreadsheet here.

SSSP generation form

SSSP form responses here

Net testing register

Google sheet with test strip scan details here.

Casual Staff Health and Safety Induction

The key risks to run through with new staff are here.

Staff details / Tool numbers

Contact list and
Tool allocation numbers


Health and Safety Manual


Login QR code Tauranga:

Tauranga ihub link

Login QR code Hamilton

Hamilton ihub link

App login details

iHub - you will receive email with login details, 
Sign in each day by scanning the area QR code on the home screen. (QR code on the health and safety manual, and above)

SiteApppro - us your email as username

Reset password to your password - choose the same password for all apps for ease of use.

HazardCo - scan QR code


Sign in apps by clients

GJ Gardner Tga - Hazardco 
GJ Gardner - Tga North
GJ Gardner - Rot - Hazardco
GJ Gardner - Hmtln/Coromandel
Venture - Txt to sign in/out, (may be replaced by QR code now)
Venture Matamata-  Scan QR code (this link shows who's on site )
Venture Cambridge - Txt and phone project manager before arrival

Bennetts - Hazardco
Classic - ClassicSafe

Davies - HazrdCo
Generation - SiteAppPro
Urbo - SiteAppPro
Jennian - Hazardco
Landmark - Hazardco
Straightup Builders - Old school pen and paper onsite
Sentinel - Hazardco
CJW Build - Meet person on site for Register
Davy - via own form here
Elevate - Txt or ph John (See site specific COVID procedures)
Gemco (TeAwa) - Manual sign in at gate
Homes for living - Hazardco
JCC Build - Meet forman on site with office365 app
Rob May(Cambridge) - Txt Chris on arrival and departure

Summerset - see Ted at front office on arrival.
Sign in and out on 'Sine Pro' as visitor with the Construction site option.
Must wear hard hat
No three step ladders allowed. (Use 4 step)
Reverse park by office if not down at the construction area.

Anthem - Siteconnect
Kustom Construction Ltd  - Hazardco

FASET rigging guidelines

Temporary repair guidelines download pdf here

FASET guidelines here

Net testing serial numbers

Net Cards issued

Net serial numbers




493428 no ihub
500141 no ihub
500114 no ihub
500119 no ihub
500123 no ihub
500125 no ihub
500148 no ihub
500206 no ihub
500214 no ihub
500218 no ihub
500222 no ihub
500229 no ihub

500408 no ihub
501221 no ihub

501236 no ihub
501239 no ihub
501406 no ihub

669518 no ihub

Onsite Induction notes

Staff Induction - Notes for onsite

Gotcha Values 

SQI Team

- Safe
- Quality (Tie nets in corners, nets in test etc)
- Integrity
- Team

Health and Safety

Eye wear on downs except if foggy - debri in nets

Ear protection - Noise from rattle gun.


High vis

Hiab - No work under hiab, wear hard hat if Hiab operating on site.

Site sign on procedures

Gotcha Keep Off site sign

Hand over docket (importance for invoicing-one for ea visit left on site)

Sun screen

Site fencing always close gate if last to leave site

Weight of hook buckets

Ladder danger - keep off top of ladder, don't stand on buckets)

COVID rules distancing from other trades


Testing apps, ihub sign every net in and out - remove test strips if expired, record test strip in powerapps. 

Scheduling system - Fergus sign in and note if Job needs a return visit.

Calendar - primary source of truth (overrides Fergus) address importance (new subdivisions and road not existing in maps)

Builders sign in Apps


Hook spacing and placement. (75m2 per bucket - max buckets that fit in van)

Net size choice - Rolling

Net rolls to corners


Long ropes

Timing for hooks vs nets installation, time it takes for a down vs up.

Stud height and ladder requirements based on calendar notes 

Screw colours and length and reason for it (Breaking)

Processes to remember gear

Keys on charger

Don’t leave drill on nogs (Put in bucket after use if leaving out while net hang)

Put stuff in central place with buckets

Always check before leaving site hooks and ropes. There's always a hook missed,  just have to find it

Alternative hook placement methods, preferred to use tool belt not laying hooks out on nogs

 Gear care

Drills and rain - avoid heavy rain, do other jobs and wait for break to drill.

Batteries, alternate batteries to avoid overheating battery, charge once cooled down.

Batteries charge at night, put batteries on charger at the yard overnight

Net care rips , how rips happen (pullling net over bracing nails etc), check for breaks.

Identifying stretched nets. Why builders stand in them, trusses in nets.

Wet nets, if nets get put away wet then dry out at yard or use next day.

Be wary of not getting van stuck on slippery ground.

Van setout
Sizes placement

Total sqm that can fit in van

Tieup ropes reef knots and tight

Docket books and pen

First aid kit and fire extinguisher

 Team work
Requirement to finish job, next trades reliance on being done eg Truss arrival, help each other at end of the day to ensure all finished.

Builders altering bnets and reasons


Braces to work around

Stud Height too high

Room sizes too big - Lacing

Incorrect net sizes in van 

Test strips removed twice if net re hung while still in for test

Job not ready - Roof not on, bracing not up

Trusses being installed with hiab

Street address doesn't exist in Google Maps
